Introducing Jen Quealy, NLN Volunteer Landcare Facilitator!

Nov 26, 2024

The National Landcare Network welcomes Jen Quealy to the team as our new Volunteer Landcare Facilitator! Jen brings over 34 years of experience in community Landcare contributions and her expertise includes social geographer, author and editor, project developer, Landcare facilitator and researcher.

Jen loves sharing connections and helping build networks of Landcare projects and practice, with many years of working closely with regional, rural and remote communities, landholders, volunteers and members of Landcare groups. Her experience also includes postgraduate research practice and methods, and co-designing projects and plans to bring support for community-led projects.

Jen will be working closely with states and territories to increase volunteer participation in Landcare activities and to assist in building meaningful partnerships and facilitating knowledge exchange across networks. Jen also has experience with corporate and philanthropic organisations that will enhance funding opportunities for Landcare at the grassroots level.

Jen will be sharing the role with Kim Boswell, who also brings a wealth of diverse skills and will be coming on board in early December.

If you would like to learn more about Jen’s work or get involved with the National Landcare Volunteer Community of Practice, she can be contacted at


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