Introducing Shaun Branden – First Nations Engagement, National Facilitator Program

Jan 6, 2025

We are very excited to welcome Shaun Branden to the National Landcare Network team as our First Nations Engagement Coordinator!

Shaun is working with the Landcare Facilitator Program to help facilitate engagement with First Nations communities, and foster two-way collaboration to better connect, share and facilitate on-ground Landcare and NRM projects. Shaun will work closely with First Nations Facilitators when they are initially engaged and is currently working with Uncle John Chester (NLN Board Member from South Australia) and the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) to help co-design these new roles.

Shaun has previously worked in IT and as a fire fighter and more recently with the Aboriginal Lands Trust where he was responsible for managing Indigenous Protected Areas in South Australia. Shaun is also on the Landcare Association of South Australia Committee.

.Shaun also facilitates a Community of Practice which has now met three times. The aim of the CoP is to share information and knowledge with First Nations people across Australia so we can learn how to walk together to heal Country. It’s a great way to connect and share and to help facilitate meaningful action. Our community of practice has representatives from the NLN Board, staff and the Landcare Enabling Program (LNSW) including Den Barber who is the Aboriginal Partnerships Manager, Craig Aspinall – former NSW Landcare Program Aboriginal Partnerships Manager, WIPO Co chair, Bibi Barba and two regional NSW roles, Michael Kennedy and Nioka Dupond.

If you would like to join the Community of Practice or get in touch with Shaun, please email


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